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She Dances on the Plastic Track It was a sunny day in the middle of summer when I first saw her. I was walking around the local track, trying to get some exercise in, when I noticed her. She was dancing on the plastic track, moving to the rhythm of the music in her headphones. I couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful, with long dark hair that flowed behind her as she moved. Her body was graceful and fluid, and she seemed to be lost in the music. I watched her for a few minutes, mesmerized by her movements. As I got closer, I could hear the music coming from her headphones. It was a fast-paced beat, and she was moving in time with it perfectly. She was wearing a pair of bright blue shorts and a white tank top, and her sneakers pounded against the plastic track. I was curious about her, and I wanted to know more. I approached her cautiously, not wanting to interrupt her dance. She didn't seem to notice me at first, but when I got closer, she looked up and smiled. "Hi," she said, taking out her headphones. "I'm Sarah." "I'm Alex," I replied. "I couldn't help but notice you dancing. You're really good." She blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks. I come here every day to dance. It's my way of staying in shape and de-stressing." I was intrigued. I had never seen anyone dance on a track before. "What kind of dance do you do?" "Mostly hip hop and jazz," she said. "I used to take dance classes when I was younger, but I don't have the time or money for that now. So I just dance here." I watched her for a few more minutes, amazed at how effortlessly she moved. She seemed to be in her own world, lost in the music and the movement. I felt a sudden urge to join her. "Can I dance with you?" I asked, feeling a little awkward. "Sure!" she said, grinning. "The more the merrier." I took out my own headphones and started moving to the beat. I wasn't as good as Sarah, but I didn't care. It felt liberating to dance on the track, with the sun shining down on us and the wind blowing through our hair. We danced for what felt like hours, switching between different styles and songs. We laughed and joked, and I felt like I had made a new friend. When we finally stopped, we were both sweaty and out of breath. "That was amazing," I said, grinning. "Yeah, it was," Sarah agreed. "Thanks for dancing with me. I usually do this alone, so it was nice to have some company." We exchanged numbers and promised to dance together again soon. As I walked away from the track, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter. I had discovered a new passion and made a new friend, all because of a girl who danced on the plastic track.